It's ironic that one must be pretty smart to get into college these days, but somehow college is where those smart people do some stupid, stupid stuff. The following list represents seven of the most common reasons why college students get arrested and the consequences they never consider. If you consider this a "what-not-to-do" list, you will be far less likely to be arrested. Lastly, you will see that the potential long-term consequences of these "minor" offenses require skilled legal counsel NOW!
Hold Your Water
Urinating in Public PC §370
Urinating in Public PC §370
The offense commonly referred to as "Public Urination" is as simple as peeing or pooping in a public place and not a restroom and may be charged as a misdemeanor or an infraction depending on the jurisdiction (California Penal Code §370). While the offense itself is easy to commit, if not properly handled, it can be much more severe than you might imagine. In fact, taking a leak behind a wall or a tree could result in lifetime registration as a Sex Offender. That's right. Plus, a nasty blemish on your "record" for-ev-er!
Know When to Say When...And Where!
Drunk in Public PC§647(f)
If you are not in private, you are in public and if you show objective signs of intoxication (alcohol or drugs) such that you appear to be a danger to yourself or others, then you are drunk in public according to California Penal Code §647(f). In addition to spending the night in jail, if not properly handled, a PC §647(f) arrest could result in more jail time, fines, fees, probation, and other related consequences, including a nasty blemish on your "record" for-ev-er!
Take it Down a Notch
Disturbing the Peace PC§415
Certainly not the crime of the century, nevertheless California Penal Code §415 says that any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight; any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise; or any person who uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction can be convicted. If not properly handled, a conviction can lead to jail time, fines, fees, probation, and a nasty blemish on your "record" for-ev-er!
Don't Take the Car...
DUI/DWI VC§23152(a)&(b)
Welcome to your nightmare. A drunk driving arrest (California Vehicle Code §23152(a)&(b)) opens a Pandora's box of trouble for you. If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, "Any volitional movement" of a vehicle is all that is necessary to secure a conviction. That means adjusting the car in a parking space, backing up so someone can get out, or even rolling an inch to check for a nail in your tire...not to mention actually driving. In addition to being arrested, if not properly handled, a conviction can lead to additional jail time, huge fines and monstrous fees, lengthy probation, a suspended driver's license, expensive classes, spending a day in a hospital and morgue, spending another half-day being yelled at by MADD, and the installation of an ignition interlock device and that nasty blemish on your "record" for-ev-er!
No, You Cannot Hold it for a Friend
Minor in Possession of Alcohol BP §25662
If you are under the age of 21, California Business & Professions Code §25662 prohibits you from possessing, much less consuming, and alcoholic beverage. While a conviction may not land you in jail, if not properly handled, you will be subject to hefty fines, court fees, probation, loads of community service hours, the suspension, revocation, or denial of your driver's license, and the dreaded nasty blemish on your "record" for-ev-er!
[Don't] Smoke Two Joints
Possession of Marijuana H&S §11357
Although there is a strong push to legalize the possession and recreational use of Marijuana, as of this moment it remains illegal. While most college students believe they will only get a ticket, the reality is a conviction, if not properly handled, can lead to jail time, fines, fees, probation and a nasty drug-related blemish on your record, where it could stay for-ev-er!
Put The Paddle Away
Hazing PC §245.6
California Penal Code §245.6 defines hazing as "...any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body...which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university, or other educational institution in this state..." It doesn't matter whether the group is recognized by the school. Likewise, it doesn't matter that serious injury was not caused. The likelihood is all that is necessary. This offense may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, which means, if not properly handled, you can face local jail or state prison in addition to the fines, fees, probation, expulsion, and all the other associated nastiness...including the blemish on your record, where it could stay for-ev-er!
For college students who are in trouble with the law, David J. Givot, The Legal Guardian, is SoCal's trusted authority on student legal defense. We fight harder and smarter for your rights so you can get on with the rest of your life. Call today for a FREE initial consultation: 888/293-0396 or Contact David Givot online NOW!